All the Dead

A letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came in the mail. There isn't enough public room to house all of them; we have allotted you one (1) dead.

Published in Firewords: Issue 10

Mouse Fugue

In a little house on a little hill there are three mice. One dead, one round, one red.

Published in Gone Lawn: Issue 28

People-like Trees in the Night

Yaakov wondered if there had been signs. In the mornings, when he went to look for turtles, he’d watch the mist roll over the tops of the trees, cottoning the sky, and he’d go over the past months in his head.

Published in print in Spark: A Creative Anthology, Vol. VIII, published online in Spark: A Creative Anthology

A Voice in Her Mouth

She was somewhere between seventy and eighty years old, her hands thin and her face wrinkled, but there was a beauty in her, some forsaken, unmaintained elegance.

Published in Bartleby Snopes

Lady of Black Needle and String

I try to imagine your skin and its tenderness in the book. I pretend that when I’m careful with it, tender with it, your spirit is tender with me. A feeling I don’t want to name builds up in my chest.

Published in The Stoneslide Corrective

The Fox God and the Fox

Deep in the savanna, a long time ago, there used to be a place called the Valley of Long Grass.

Originally published in Bad Dream Entertainment, reprinted in Dark Little Dreams: An Anthology of Dark Fiction

The Beast

At first the beast was an idea. The sound of crashing waves put it in a man’s mind, or a shape drawn by the wind in the sand.

Published in Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry

There Used to be Places

The rain beat against the kitchen window, melting the green and the gray of the outside. The room was dark. She hadn't turned on the light and he didn't dare to now.

Published in Dark Lane Anthology: Volume Two

The Matter with Mr. Levine in 2A

You might think he wasn't home, but I know he was. I could hear him moving about inside.

Published in The Cadaverine

The Cocoon

Today, for the second time since my return, Gloria woke me up before going to work. Afterward I fell back asleep and dreamed about the cave.

Published in Criminal Element, winner of The M.O. Wishful Thinking Contest

Coming Home

They call us names we don't recognize. Mr. Altman, Jacob, Fat Jack. They chuckle when they say the latter, and look at their shoes.

Published in Bartleby Snopes

The Visitors

His doubts fed off this ordinary appearance; he would study the child while the mother slept, desperately looking for a sign, a deformity, a peculiar expression of the mouth.

Published in Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry

The Banshee of the McCraes

We’d stand in her path as she made her way into town, and we’d wail, and ask, “Like this?”

Published in Devilfish Review: Issue 13

Go to the Dead Rabbi's House

He was a quiet man, and rumor had it that he kept his mouth shut because he was busy repeating old spells in his head.

Published in Unsung Stories

Night Swim

I woke up to a seagull sitting on my chest. The eyes were a fiery yellow, the feathers as harsh and heavy as white marble.

Published in Firewords: Issue 3

Bill and I Went Hunting Today

Bill says he still remembers what it’s like to shoot a real deer, from a hunting trip with his father when he was ten.

Published in Goldfish Grimm: Issue 22

The Landlord

Bobby followed the chewing sounds into the kitchen.

Published in Phobos Magazine: Issue 2